NESRSB Hastodaka Signup
Hastokada Signup is available only on non-Ekadasi SUNDAYS. PLEASE NOTE: Please ignore the DATE and TIME shown below.
Sat, January 01, 2022
12:00 PM EST
NE SRS Brundavan Mutt
95 Front Street
Shirley, MA 01464
United States
PLEASE NOTE: Please ignore the DATE and TIME shown above. It is a tool issue which we can't fix. Please text us at (978) 425-7077 for the date you signed up for. Hastokada Signup is available only on non-Ekadasi SUNDAYS. Please reach out on (978) 425-7077 or email at when in doubt. Signups should be done ATLEAST 1 day before.
TICKETS Selected during registration
Hastodaka (Adults and Kids Ages 14+)
$20.00 (1 Attendee)
Hastodaka (Kids - Ages 10-13)
$10.00 (1 Attendee)
Hastodaka (Kids - Age below 10)
$5.00 (1 Attendee)